Growing cut flowers is such a lovely process, seeing tiny seedlings become beautiful blooms in your garden and in your arrangements. It's not difficult once you get the hang of it, and I've popped down my top tips to get you started.
Top tips to sowing seeds
USE WHAT YOU HAVE. You don’t need fancy equipment - I love recycled containers especially the box from a popular brand of chocolates used by ambassador's that comes with a lid creating your very own humidity dome. Yoghurt pots are also your friend, both for pots and you can also cut them up to make plant labels.

COMPOST. To start with a small bag of seed compost can provide the right nutrients for small seedlings. However, if you don't have this try sifting multipurpose compost to remove big bits and make the medium more hospitable for tiny seedlings.
READ THE INSTRUCTIONS. One of the most important things might be to read and follow the instructions (something I am very guilty of skipping, and always regret it). Some seedlings need light and need to be sown on top of the soil, some need complete darkness, some need more humidity. So read the instructions. They will also tell you how long you should wait to see if germination has occurred.
HEAT. Most seedlings germinate better when they are warm, so that's why people say pop them on a sunny windowsill. Check the seed packet for the ideal temperature. If using a greenhouse, it sounds silly in the UK, but if it's a hot day it is possible to cook your tiny seedlings (trust me I've done it!). Keep your eye on the weather, and try not to let seedlings dry out.
WATERING. Small seedlings can get too wet very easily, so it can be better for them to bottom water if they are in a container with holes or you can or mist them.
FRESH SEED. Sometimes it's not you, things don't germinate for all sorts of reasons and a common one is that seeds are too old. If a variety doesn't work, try it again with different and hopefully newer seeds.
COLLECT SEED. This leads me on to the best way to have fresh seeds which is once you have got going, let a few flowers go to seed and collect them. Or find someone with a nice flower patch and ask if you can collect some seeds from them. Store them in a cool dry place for the spring. And don't forget to label them (been there too!). You can also let some flowers go to seed and leave them in the hope that they self-seed and come back themselves.
FINALLY. If it doesn't work try again. Social media may make it look like everyone is getting it right first time but they aren't. Everyone has a few things that don't work - just give it a go. I like to run through this checklist if I need to try something again.
Should I change the location?
Should I try different or fresher seed?
Should I change the compost?
Was it too hot or cold, should I change the temperature?
Does it need more or less water?
I hope you enjoy getting started on your flower growing journey. Check out my posts on easy annual and perennial flowers to get started with. I'd love to see what you are growing, so make sure you tag me in pics on socials and I'm always here to answer any questions you have.
love Sarah x
